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Index for 2019
10 - Alberto Cazzella – Rachele Modesto –Vittorio Mironti –
Claudia Sabbini – Enrico Lucci. 2019. L’ambiente montano appenninico tra Paleolitico medio ed età del Bronzo: nuovi dati dal “Molise Survey Project”. This paper presents the results of the survey project carried out in 2016 and 2017 in the high Molise by a team of the Sapienza University of Rome. The project's aim is an advanced knowledge of human presence in the prehistoric phases in the inland areas of the peninsula, on the reliefs and close to small mountain lakes. Indeed, the territories above 1000 m a.s.l. are poorly known and the information available refers mostly to sporadic findings and, to a lesser extent, to the results of systematic surveys.
The investigation has dealt with the global understanding of the evidence relating to human occupation developed at high altitude during the various prehistoric phases in a small area of the Molise region. Moreover, by an ethno-archaeological approach, we are trying to investigate a phenomenon that has characterized the economy of the Apennines from recent prehistory onwards: pastoralism.PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet