- No period data has been added yet
- In the so-called Protocasa del Granduca Michele other rooms of the 3rd century B.C. house have been uncovered (fauces, cubiculum). The decorative phases of some of the other rooms have been more clearly defined (tablinium, oecus), in which the opus signinu... Read More
- In the proto-house of Grand Duke Michael trenches were dug in shop VI,5,6 and in the long stretch of pavement in front of the domus. The excavation of the shop established that it was contemporary with the first structure of the house, facing onto a road... Read More
- During April 2009 a trench was excavated in the House of Grand Duke Michael which aimed to clarify the spatial organisation in the rear part of the house during the Samnite phase. In fact, previous campaigns had exposed most of the rooms of the early house... Read More
- During October 2010 new excavations were undertaken in the House of Grand Duke Michele which produced new data regarding the structure’s building history and private architecture in Pompeii in general. A trench dug between the ala and the atrium reveal... Read More
- This campaign concluded a project begun in 2003, which has documented the earliest phases of the house dating to the last decades of the 3rd century B.C. The eight excavation campaigns, twenty trenches opened inside the domus and another five in the road... Read More
- 1300 BC
- 600 BC
- 79 AD