Summary (English)
The seventh excavation campaign was undertaken as part of the work to set up the M_useo Diffuso Castello d’Alceste di S. Vito dei Normanni_. Excavations concentrated on the upper part of the site, where an abandoned farmhouse stands. During work on the restoration of the building and the dry-stone walls enclosing the fields a substantial stretch of the internal curtain wall was identified. The archaeological investigations led to a better definition of its line, previously only partially legible from aerial photographs. Preceding investigations had shown that in the archaic period the wall surrounded the upper part of the hill, incorporating the extensive palace complex built in the 6th century B.C., and known as the grande edificio.
The enclosure structure, circa 3 m wide, was traced inside the farmhouse and in the two courtyards behind it for a total length of 28 m. It was constituted by a double facing of roughly squared medium-large stones with a core-fill of smaller stones. The destruction levels, datable to the beginning of the 5th century B.C. showed traces of alteration caused by heat, probably the result of a fire.
Inside the courtyards of the rural complex the remains of walls and collapses also emerged. These are still to be defined in detail but related to dwellings situated outside of the fortifications. A foundation structure relating to an oval hut dating to the 8th century B.C. phases also came to light.
Work in the area of the grande edificio concentrated on the area of Room 5, uncovering layers of collapse and destruction relating to the structure and the area to the west of it. Traces of robbing from the walls of the room were identified, thus it was possible to precisely define the structure’s plan.
- Grazia Semeraro - Università degli Studi del Salento, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali 
- Alessandro Monastero - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Alice Medda - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Antonella Greco - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Arturo Clavica - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Barbara Pecere - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Donatella D’Aluisio - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Francesca Marra - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Giuliana Genoese - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Maria Domenica Pasquino - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Marica Mastrangelo - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Silvia Convertino - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Assunta Cocchiaro - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Puglia
- Cosima Basile - Università degli Studi del Salento
- Nadia Ribrezzi - Università degli Studi del Salento
Research Body
- Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali
Funding Body
- ACRI (Associazione Casse di Risparmio Italiane) – Progetto Sviluppo Sud: sostenuto da Fondazione CARIPLO
- Comune di San Vito dei Normanni
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