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  • Pani Loriga
  • Nuraghe Diana
  • Italy
  • Sardinia
  • South Sardinia
  • Santadi



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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  • No period data has been added yet


    • Pani Loriga is situated on a low hill delimited by the course of the Riu Mannu, within sight of the modern town of Santadi. The region is characterised by various types of resources: woodland, agriculture, hunting and mining, which have favoured settlement... Read More
    • Excavations were carried out in two sectors of the Punic settlement: the southern quarter (Area A) and northern quarter (Area B).

      AREA A: Excavations continued in room II, which together with room I formed a single dwelling. The earliest occupation leve

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    • Excavations were carried out in two sectors of the Punic settlement: the southern quarter (Area A) and northern quarter (Area B).

      AREA A: The excavations aimed to investigate the area onto which rooms I and II faced to the south. In fact, they were part

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    • The 2012 excavations took place on the northern part of the Pani Loriga hill denominated “Area B”. The interventions continued the excavation of the partially exposed trenches/rooms (3bis, 5, 7, and 11) and opened two new trenches: 13 a continuation of tr... Read More
    • Excavations were carried out in two sectors of the Punic settlement: the northern quarter (Area B) and the so called “Casematte” (Area C).

      Area B:
      In 2017, the field season has involved more than 40 people between archaeologists, master and bachelor’s stu

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    • The 2018 Pani Loriga Archeological Mission has been focused on several activities and analyses to increase our knowledge on the site and its surroundings and on the material culture collected during the previous campaigns.

      The recovery of the surface surv

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    • Massimo Botto, Federica Candelato, Ida Oggiano, Tatiana Pedrazzi. 2010. Le indagini 2007-2008 all’abitato fenicio-punico di Pani Loriga. FOLD&R Italy: 175.
    • PDF permalink
    • Massimo Botto. 2017. The Punic settlement of Pani Loriga in the light of recent discoveries. FOLD&R Italy: 393.
    • PDF permalink
  • 3300 BC
  • 2200 BC
  • 700 AD