- No period data has been added yet
- The investigations undertaken in 2009 explored three different areas of the site. The first trench was opened near the canal in an area with a high concentration of ceramics. Patched and raised mortar floors were documented here along with two robbed walls... Read More
- Three small trenches were open in September 2010: one in the north part of the field (T21), a second on the west corner of the property (T22) and a third in the eastern limit, facing the nearby canal (T20). In T20, the remains of a thermal bath have been ... Read More
- This last September saw the fourth campaign of excavation in Ca’ Bufalini (Ceseantico, FC), exploring in further detail an Roman imperial and early Byzantine site. Whereas in 2010 three trenches were opened, this year attention was focused in the explorati... Read More
- This year attention was focused in the exploration of trench 20 (T20) in order to collect more data regarding the small apsed monument uncovered in 2010.
The trench was enlarged in the northern and western sides for about circa five metres. It had been
... Read More
- This year attention was focused in the exploration of trench 20 (T20) in order to collect more data regarding the small apsed monument uncovered in 2010.
- The campaign 2013 has been ten day long and research concentrated in the extention of Trench 21, already investigated in 2011. Aim of the sample was to collect more information concerning the building erected along the glareata road identified in 2012 af... Read More
- Denis Sami, Anna Booth (British Museum, Portable Antiquity Scheme, University of Leicester), Luana Toniolo, Elena Baldi, Tania Chinni. 2014. Ad Novas-Cesenatico From Roman Road to Late Antique Wooden Structures. An Interim Report on the Evaluation Test Pits and Excavation at Cà Bufalini, 2006. FOLD&R Italy: 318.
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- 600 BC
- 100 BC
- 600 AD