- No period data has been added yet
- Past excavations had shown three settlement phases on the hill, situated on the border between the provinces of Pisa and Florence, along the road to Castelfalfi, historically important as the main route linking Valdera Volterrana with Siena, Chiusi and Rom... Read More
- This season, excavations on the site of Santa Mustiola involved the entire hill summit. The perimeter walls of a building were identified, which on at least three sides (west, south, east) were precisely aligned and related to each other. At some points, o... Read More
The purposes of the 2019 excavation campaign were the continuation of the archaeological investigations as well as the creation of a path able to make the outcome of so many years of research available for the public.
The archaeological excavation contin
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The purposes of the 2019 excavation campaign were the continuation of the archaeological investigations as well as the creation of a path able to make the outcome of so many years of research available for the public.
- Gli obiettivi della campagna di scavo 2020 sono stati la prosecuzione delle indagini archeologiche e il potenziamento del percorso di fruizione inaugurato nel 2019, che aveva registrato un forte interesse nel pubblico, confermato ampiamente anche per il 20... Read More
- The aims of the 2021 excavation campaign were the continuation of the archaeological investigations and the enhancement of the fruition path inaugurated in 2019, which recorded a strong interest in the public. This interest was confirmed in 2021. The inves... Read More
- 500 BC
- 1 AD
- 299 AD
- 501 AD
- 799 AD
- 1001 AD
- 1699 AD