  • Foro di Cesare
  • Roma
  • Forum Iulium
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • 100 BC - 400 AD


    • A pavement in opus sectile with a large-scale rectangular pattern was discovered during the excavation of 2000 on the south-east side of the Forum of Caesar. The rectangular panels arranged in three parallel lines create a design articulated in seven central forms. The methods of execution indicate undoubtedly that the pavement was executed in the later Roman period, and in fact a dating to the period of Diocletian seems confirmed by the stratigraphy. During the preparation for the Museum of the Imperial Fora, a systematic revision of the architectural fragments belonging to the Temple of Venus Genetrix was started. When the three columns of the Temple were restored, a new plan of the whole structure was completed as well as a reexamination of the location of all of the standing structures. A limited excavation in the interior of the cella of the temple permitted a more precise understanding of the phases of arrangement of the cella, while the reexamination of the fragments of the frieze with erotes, generally attributed to the Trajanic decoration on the exterior of the cella, has led to a more precise placement of the several known decorative motifs.


    • M. Vitti, 2004, Un pavimento in opus sectile nel Foro di Cesare, in X Colloquio dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico (AISCOM) Lecce, 18-21 febbraio 2004: c.s.
    • P. Maisto, c.s., Osservazioni sulla decorazione architettonica del Tempio di Venere Genitrice, in "Il Museo dei Fori Imperiali: dallo studio all’allestimento", (giornata di studio DAI 5.4.2001), in Palilia.
    • M. Vitti, c.s., Novità sul Foro di Cesare dopo gli scavi del Giubileo del 2000, in L. Ungaro, M. Milella, M. Vitti, Il Museo dei Fori Imperiali Simulacra Romae (Tarragona dal 12-15 dicembre 2002).