  • Giarnera Piccola
  • Ascoli Satriano
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Provincia di Foggia
  • Ascoli Satriano


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 700 BC - 300 BC


    • Investigation of the settlement of Gianiera Piccola brought to light an “a grotticella” tomb with an access shaft situated on the western edge of the excavation’s central area. The tomb had been sacked. Hints at the presence of an important tomb (n. 7/05) had emerged during the 2005 excavations when, at some depth, an antefix of the Magna-Grecian type in the form of a medusa’s head was found. The 2006 excavation revealed that tomb 7/05 was originally “a grotticella”, probably containing two burials. Only part of the chamber’s south side was preserved with the remains of a skeleton in a fetal position and fragmentary grave goods dating to the 4th century B.C. (Daunian pottery). The fill of the destroyed tomb contained bronze laminae from a belt, pottery fragments and another fragment of medusa head antefix. These finds prove that this was an aristocratic burial. At the feet of the deceased was a floral style Daunian jar decorated with coloured bands and vegetal frieze, with modelled protome, datable to the second half of the 4th century B.C. Near the tomb a number of tanks were found that can be associated with funerary rites (the westernmost one took the form of an oval pit, whilst the eastern one had two parts, one oblong and shallow, the other larger). In the south-west corner of the area an inhumation was found with the deceased laid in a fetal position, with a pottery tomb group: an iron spearhead and a sword identify this as a male burial. In sector G the excavation uncovered three stretches of paving: the first on an east/west alignment, with well-made oblong paving stones laid in a spiral decorative motif; the second was rectangular in shape on a south/east-north/west alignment, whilst the third and final stretch was on a north-south alignment. The discovery of a nucleus of houses, partially preserved at foundation level, dated the latest phase of this sector to the end of the 4th century B.C.
    • Excavations in the Giarnera Piccola, undertaken by the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Innsbruck, reopened the same areas as in the previous years with the aim of identifying the settlement’s occupation phases. This entailed the extension of the excavation to the south and deepening of the trench in zones A, D and especially in G, in order to obtain a complete stratigraphy of the area. Three earth graves were found in the central zone (tombs 3, 4 and 7/2007). They had been robbed and only a few skeletal remains were preserved within them. Tomb 4/07 had been reused and the bones of the earlier skeleton placed in a heap. Structures 3 and 4 were characterised by tile collapses and irregular cobbled surfaces. This zone was disturbed by clandestine activity whilst the southern zone was less disturbed by agriculture and illegal excavation. Excavation in the context with the paved surface, in the southern part of the excavation, revealed a house/structure (8), a number of paved surfaces, a collapsed but not robbed “a grotticella” tomb (tomb 5/07), a presumed earth grave, an area with a number of pits and hollows, a layer of tiles, a row of stones and a hearth. It is thought that these structures went out of use in the 4th century B.C. and house 5 was built on top of the abandoned structures. Structure 8 (circa 7 x 5 m), on an east-west alignment was divided into two by an internal wall forming to the east a closed room (circa 3.80 x 2.60 m) and to the west an open space (circa 3.80 x 3.50 m). The open space originally had a cobbled paving, a patch of which was preserved in the south-east corner. This space also had a hearth in one corner and presented a tile collapse. It may be suggested that in the period of abandonment the tiles from the collapsed roof were compacted into a single layer, possible as part of a ritual act. The new paving may be interpreted as a “processional” route to the “a grotticella” tomb 5/07, found at a depth of circa four metres at the end of the paving. The grave goods were amassed together due to the pressure of the overlying earth which had caused the tomb to collapse. The tomb group, some of which very fragmentary, comprised 130 artefacts: Daunian vases, black and red glaze wares, Gnathian ware, painted vases, lekythoi with reticulate decoration, 27 Apulian red-figure vases, some of very fine quality, one bronze basin, silver fibulae and a bronze belt with mould-made bronze hooks. On the basis of the paved surface seen as a processional way, the tomb structure, the very rich tomb group and presumably ritual space north of the tomb it is possible that this was a family tomb which included the burial of the head of the family. The finds, in particular the pottery, date tomb 5/07 to between 330-320 B.C.
    • During the two 2008 seasons attention concentrated on the conservation of the finds from tomb 5/07, on the TMA cataloguing and the concluding investigations of the tomb itself. The conservation of the materials from 5/07 was undertaken in April and September 2008 with the result that 121 pottery vessels were restored and numerous metal artefacts were cleaned and conserved. With the 2008 excavation a total of 131 pieces were recovered from the tomb. Most of the catalogued material (2004-2007) comprises tomb groups. The catalogue may form the basis for a future exhibit (finds and tomb groups from Serpente and Giarnera Piccola). TMA cataloguing was also undertaken on the tiles from the collapse overlying the paved surface (US 391) found in 2007 together with a Medusa-head antefix and two other antefix fragments of the same type. Five examples of drip tiles, numerous fragments of tegulae (flat tiles with rim), one fragmentary triangular tile and numerous fragments of the same type and fragments of curved tiles were documented. Lastly, an attempt was made to partially reconstruct a roof with drip tiles and Medusa-head antefixes. In the area above the “a grotticella” tomb 5/07 excavations began directly from the floor of the “grotticella”. A row of three post holes (perhaps a canopy for the tomb), an L-shaped wall with an opening (house IX), a hearth and two earth graves were exposed. One of the tombs had been robbed, whilst the second, with the remains of at least three infants contained personal ornaments such as bronze armbands and a piece of amber. The concluding work on tomb 5/07 showed that the dromos ramp, slightly off-centre, sloped on a gradient of 8 degrees between the paving (US 391) and the “grotticella”. It was between 2 and 3.20 m deep and had a maximum width of 1.53 m. The floor of the “grotticella” measured circa 2.25 x 2.25 m and was circa 0.15 m lower than the ramp. The poorly-preserved skeletons were in the rear part of the tomb, whilst most of the grave goods seemed to have been placed on either side of the entrance and along the sides of the deceased. The skeleton at the centre of the tomb, in a fetal position, was identified as a male individual due to the bronze belt and was presumably the last to be buried here. The few skeletal remains to the left and right of the centre seem to belong to two women, considering the finds of silver fibulae and a glass paste necklace. The remains of a fourth skeleton were found in a heap in the south-east corner of the tomb together with a bronze belt and spear point. A robbed earth grave (tomb 1/08) was also examined. Together with various pottery fragments, a piece of worked bone, two glass paste beads and a bronze ring there was a well-preserved skeleton in a fetal position and with a bronze belt. Traces of an earlier burial was visible below the pelvis.
    • The 2009 excavations concentrated on the same areas as in previous years, extending the excavation to the south to cover a surface area of 800 m2. Tomb 1/08 was a large earth grave which had been robbed. It contained two well-preserved skeletons and various objects of personal ornament, including six hemispherical bronze buttons with moveable loops, another perforated bronze loop and an oval amber pendant. Both individuals had bronze belts. The pottery fragments in the grave dated it to the second half of the 4th century B.C. South of the paved surface (US 391) the remains of a structure (house X) came to light. It was on a north-east/south-west alignment in axis with the paving 391 leading to tomb 5/07. The building was on a lower level than the paving. Tile collapses showed that it had two rooms on two different levels. Unbaked bricks were found in situ and below the collapsed tiles. The tile collapses were connected by a row of flat tegulae with an upside-down Medusa antefix. Another structure came to light in the south-eastern part of the excavation area, so-called house XI. It was on a north-west/south-east alignment and divided into two rooms on different levels by a foundation wall. In the southern part of the higher room the remains of a cobbled surface were visible. Between structures X and XI an almost square cobble paving was uncovered. Reused in the wall next to this paving there was a fragment of cyma with ovolo and bead decoration. Two fragments of a drainage tube were recovered from among the tiles overlying the cobbles. In the eastern area of the excavation a series of post holes and sections of wall were identified, suggesting the existence of another building. Among these structural remains were two earth graves in a superficial position. They dated to the 7th century B.C. and were perhaps part of a cemetery belonging to the earliest phase. The earth grave 1/09 was surrounded by stones on three sides. The skeletal remains were those of a female about 50 years old. The grave goods comprised various fragments of iron and bronze, a jar with a curtain motif on the shoulder and a jug without a handle with geometric decoration of the Daunian I sub-geometric phase. The finds dated the burial to the second half of the 7th century B.C. Grave 2/09 was completely filled with and covered by stones. The burial contained the scarce skeletal remains of two children. The grave goods comprised iron and bronze fragments, a boat-shaped fibula with lateral knots and a long pin, a double-handled plain coarse ware cup and a proto-Daunian platter. The finds dated the burial to the beginning of the 7th century B.C.
    • The 2010 excavations undertaken by the University of Innsbruck’s Institute of Classical Archaeology at the Gianrnera Piccola worked on the same areas as in previous years (cadastral lot no. 546). The area was extended by 700 m2 towards the south and west and the investigations concentrated on the phasing of the structures. At the edge of the northern area the investigation of “houses” 6-8 was concluded during which a tomb was uncovered below the west room of structure 8. This was a child’s burial in an earth grave containing grave goods comprising a jar, two ladles and a small jug - sub-geometric Daunian II, dating to the 6th century B.C., together with bronze torques and a bronze fibula. In the case of structure 10 it was necessary to remove two collapses and a tile paving before it was possible to identify the roof collapse. Below the latter were the remains of unbaked bricks and the structure’s foundation trench. For structure 11 several pits and a side wall acting as a containing wall abutting the slope were identified as attesting the earliest phase of this dwelling. The structure resulted as having a sub-rectangular plan measuring 5.50 x 3.50 m. A great terracing wall, at the moment about 29 m long and almost 1 m wide, was a spectacular find. It has a curving alignment and is divided into two by an entrance with a drainage channel. In the north-western part of the excavation area it curves towards the south for 4.83 m. The wall continues in the south section of the excavation. On its east side two pits were discovered, one containing 7th century B.C. pottery, which may be interpreted as oikoi for sacrifices made at the moment of the wall’s construction. In zone J in the western part of the excavation area several tombs, either heavily damaged or robbed, were identified. Two dated to the 6th century B.C. Tomb 2/10, damaged by agricultural activity, was the burial of a new-born dating to the 7th century and containing glass beads, the remains of a bronze personal ornament and fragments of a sub-geometric Daunian I jug. In zone H, in front of house 11, a pit at least 2 m deep was found to the side of an intact tomb covering. The pit contained the remains of at least three individuals and grave goods including glass-past beads and heavy bronze armlets. Below the tomb cover was a 4th century B.C. tomb with modest, but numerous, grave goods (20 artefacts). To conclude it can be stated that the 2010 excavations uncovered increasing amounts of 7th century B.C. evidence and the discovery of the long wall has provided new evidence for the structural layout of the Daunian settlement.
    • The 2011 excavations on the Giarnera Piccola, undertaken by the University of Innsbruck’s Institute of Classical Archaeology, re-opened the same areas as in previous years. The area was extended by a total of 135 m2, in particular towards the west, concentrating on the area of the necropolis. In the case of structure 11, the material from a pit (1.20 m deep) below the remains of the paved floor inside the house provided a _terminus post quem_ of the 4th century B.C. The west and north walls, built to enlarge the structure from 15.5 to 17.5 m2 also dated to this phase. Tomb 5/11 was discovered almost below the east wall of house 11. It had eight covering slabs, one with an oblong aperture in which to insert another stone. The tomb group comprised four sub-geometric Daunian II vases datable to between the 6th and 5th century B.C. The area west of house 11 was delimited by a partially preserved wall, running parallel to wall 617. The remains of a new structure emerged in the space between structures 11 and 10 and directly beside tomb 3/10. Denominated house 9, it comprised two rooms covering circa 25 m2. Due to lack of time, it was not possible to follow the line of the supporting wall identified in 2010. The zones adjacent to the wall were investigated. To the east of wall 617, below two tile collapses, a gravel floor surface came to light in which there was a channel constructed with large stones. Fragments of fine and coarse ware pottery, including large column kraters decorated in the floral style of the 4th century B.C., were recovered from a triangular-shaped deposit positioned on the west side of wall 617. This deposit may have been created during abandonment rituals. The structural evidence overlying wall 617, including house 9 excavated in 2011, constitutes a residential area on the terracing. Zone J, west of the excavation area, was seen to be of greater interest in chronological terms for the quantity and variety of burials, and the presence of numerous postholes. Of the ten identified tombs, four had been robbed, while six were intact or only disturbed by agricultural activity and dated to between the 7th and 4th century B.C. (tombs 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 6/11, 9/11, 11/11). Together with the finds from 2010, the latest finds show the necropolis to have been fairly densely occupied. It was in use throughout the Daunian presence on the site. Two _enchytrismos_ burials in medium sized impasto pottery vessels were also found. As well as the usual data regarding the age and sex of the skeletal remains, the anthropological analyses undertaken in Munich showed that the male individual in the double tomb 4/11 had suffered severe lesions to the cranium caused by a heavy weapon. These were not, however, the cause of death.
    • The 2012 excavations undertaken by Innsbruck University at Giarnera Piccola continued work on the structures found in the previous year. The area was extended towards the south and west by about 225 m2 in order to check a number of situations that needed to be clarified. Excavations to the north-west, close to the paved surface 369, revealed a foundation wall, only one course of which survived, and an infant burial in a double grave (tomb 1/12). The grave contained a geometric jar with a flattened body that was not a Daunian production, and a small jug with banded decoration, both handmade. Several walls belonging to house 10 were uncovered, as well as a stepped _dromos_ with a number of pottery fragments from a robbed _a grotticella_ tomb (tomb 4/12). The chamber itself had been identified in 2010. In the south-eastern part of the house, tomb 2/12 lay below a large limestone slab and large _tegula_ fragments incised with curved lines on the back. This infant burial contained a small beaker with geometric decoration, the bow of an iron fibula and a bronze ring, and may date to between the 7th-6th century B.C. The east wall of house 9 (discovered in 2009) presented an area of substantial subsidence and below this was another burial. This tomb, 3/12, was covered by a heap of stone slabs and comprised three rectangular graves, one inside the other, on a north-east/south-west alignment. The upper grave served as support to the covering, the middle grave housed the skeleton of an elderly male individual in a fetal position. The tomb group comprised ten pottery vessels including a sub-geometric Daunian jar with curtain motif on the shoulder, five jugs, and small jugs with banded decoration. Lastly, the lower, smaller grave contained the bones from an earlier burial. Given the presence of the jar with the curtain motif, in use for many decades, and of black gloss cups, a date within the second half of the 5th century B.C. is proposed for this tomb. In the south-eastern area of the excavation, a circular structure was exposed, dug into the surface below the structures of house 11. This was originally used for the storage of dry foodstuffs. A drainage channel constructed with sloping _kalypteres_ (cover tiles) above the rim of this cellar structure, and another funnel opposite it were added at a later date, indicating a change in function. The structure itself was 4.50 m in diameter at the top and 3.29 m at the bottom, and was 1.65 m deep. The most surprising discovery was a polygonal enclosure in the vicinity of wall 617 (discovered in 2010). The entire structure comprised a large polygonal courtyard paved with gravel and perimeter walls uncovered to the north-east, south-west and partially preserved to the west. In the north-eastern corner there was a rectangular structure (7.05 x 4.90 m) with a hearth in the centre. The complex was entered through a corridor situated to the south-west.
    • The 2013 campaign planned to complete the investigation of the large polygonal enclosure and other finds. The area uncovered by a mechanical digger was limited to 125 m2 towards the south and west. On the settlement terrace occupied by structures 10, 9, and 11, the excavation of house 11 was completed with the emptying of the well below wall 598. The almost square area of stone paving in front of House 9 was removed. The area along the inner side of the polygonal enclosure was examined. An oval burial came to light, tomb 9/13 (not excavated), below the lowered part of the south wall (US 909). Wall 909 had at least three courses constructed in a herringbone pattern. Tomb 10/13 lay below the north wall (US 617), under a substantial covering. It contained thirteen artefacts datable to the 5th century B.C. Evidence of the earliest construction phase was provided by part of an L-shaped wall (US 1040) exposed at the level of the lowest occupation surface inside the north-western sector of the enclosure together with a series of posholes. Tomb 7/13, situated between the postholes and structure 14, had been robbed. A structure (US 959 a-d) was uncovered to the south of the enclosure. It had two phases, of which the earliest phase was almost rectangular in plan. The later phase was attested by a north-south wall. Ten postholes were scattered around the site (US 994-999, 1001-1004), attesting the date of the huts. Further south, a new structure came to light (16), 2.70 x 1.80 m in size, only half of which was excavated. Close to structure 16, an area of stones, tile and pottery fragments, 4 x 2.65 m, was exposed that covered, at its centre, a pit lined with lime. The pit was almost circular, 0.70 m in diameter and 0.33 m deep and filled with sterile clayey soil. This was a cult area, an “oikos” for the making of sacrifices. The necropolis investigated in previous years was seen to continue in zone J, the western part of the excavation area. The new area was a cemetery for foetuses, newborns, and infants, an unusual find at least for Daunian Ascoli Satriano. To date, five infant burials have been identified within a limited area. Tomb 1/13 was a small pit (0.25 x 0.15 m) lined with cobbles and bordered by small stones and pottery fragments. The grave was covered by fragments of a large pottery storage vessel. It contained a sub-geometric Daunia I single-handled cup decorated with solar symbols, nine amber beads, a triangular bone amulet, and other small decorative elements that give a date of the 7th to 6th century B.C. Tomb 2/13 was situated at a short distance from tomb 1/13. It had no covering and was only identifiable by a few skeletal remains lying on a bed of cobblestones. The rich tomb group of three bronze boat fibulae, three triangular bone amulets and other elements of personal ornament date the tomb to the second half of the 7th century B.C. Two almost circular structures of small stones appeared to the east and western sides of tomb 2/13, which together with nine other examples in the area can be identified as bases on which funerary rituals were performed. Two 7th century B.C. _enchytrismos_ burials completed this group of tombs. In addition, a pit grave (8/13) with the remains of four infants and a tomb group of 19 artefacts dating to the 5th century B.C. was excavated. East of this burial there were two robbed “a grotticella” tombs (3/13 and 6/13) and a large earth grave, tomb 11/13, dating to the 5th century B.C.
    • The 2013 excavations were extended towards the west and south, in particular in the area known as the cemetery of the infants. The circular or oval features present here and further east, were carefully examined and seen to be U-shaped postholes, with maximum dimensions of 0.90 x 0.80 m and up to 0.70 m deep. The walls were vertical or slightly sloped and the floors flat. All the holes were filled with stones mixed with earth and fragments of large containers; pieces of daub were used as wedges. In some cases, the floors of the postholes were carefully lined with medium-sized stones. Only the lower part of some holes was preserved, the original ground surface having been removed by later agricultural work. Therefore, the so-called cemetery of infant burials can be associated with a hut of various phases. An earth grave (10/13) was uncovered below the north-eastern wall of the polygonal enclosure. The well-preserved skeleton of an adult female was in a foetal position and the grave contained a tomb group of 16 artefacts. The assemblage comprised Daunian vases of the sub-Geometric Daunia II type, that is jars with bi-chrome bands and geometric frieze, a series of jugs and juglets with painted bands and geometric motifs, an impasto jug, three ladles, two with the symbol of the sun at the centre and one with a horned protome, one “ad occhiello”, a high-footed banded cup, a fragment of a worked-bone ring, an iron knife and a bronze ring. Two jugs and two ladles were of the same production, and two monochrome banded juglets were made and painted by the same potter. Grave 11/13 found further south contained the well-preserved bones of an adult woman in a foetal position, the head lying on a stone and an earlier burial underneath. The tomb group was made up of 18 artefacts: a jar, a jar and two juglets with bi-chrome decoration of painted bands and geometric motifs and a one-handled ladle with protome “ad occhioni”, all of the sub-Geometric Daunia II type and presumably of the same production. There were also two monochrome banded juglets, a banded cup with high foot, a two-handled ladle, a monochrome juglet, an impasto beaker, a banded _krateriskos_, and a banded one-handled cup, both wheel-made. Personal ornaments, a glass-paste bead, an ivory pendant, a bronze fibula with knotted terminal with traces of textile fibres and fragments of iron fibulae completed the tomb group.
    • In 2016 a small fieldwork campaign was carried out, limited to the area already opened in previous excavations. Since the new investigations put their focus on the Archaic findings of the site, especially the relation between architectural structures and graves, selected findspots were chosen for a detailed stratigraphical enquiry. In the area of the so-called hut 1, a structure of apsidally placed massive postholes in the southwestern part of the trenches, further excavation revealed (both by means of small trenches and larger soil removal) that this Archaic structure of 7th century BC date, already uncovered in the previous seasons, was during its use phase probably enlarged by a porch. It also turned out to have predecessors of earlier date reaching back into the 8th/7th century BC. These are represented directly below the younger structures of hut 1 by deeper and smaller postholes that appeared after the removal of the c. 0.2m thick occupation layer 1096 (in which the younger postholes were dug) in the northern part of hut 1. This layer contained pottery fragments with geometric decoration dated to the 8th/7th century BC. Below this layer, a dense, linear concentration of burnt clay (no. 1183) was found, roughly east-west oriented and consisting of many daub fragments with traces of wattle. This concentration can most likely be addressed as the remains of the wall of an older wooden hut structure (hut 1b). It rested on the occupation layer 1190 containing many charcoal pieces, as well as pottery fragments of similar decoration and date as from the layer above. With this layer can be correlated a number of stone packages (max. diameter 0.3m, max. depth 0.1m), one of which can already securely be identified as a posthole. These can probably be addressed as the remains of an east-west oriented row of postholes, located directly below 1183. Their stratigraphical position securely testifies their affiliation to a hut architecture built earlier than hut 1 on exactly the same spot. It is also likely that these posts were directly connected to 1183, forming the frame on which the daub was attached. Future investigations are needed to clarify the function and exact dating of this structure. The occupation layer 1190 was also the surface from which the enchytrismos tomb SE 1135 (= tomb 4/14) was interred. The grave was placed immediately adjacent to the postholes of the older hut structure. Another feature related to the older hut 1b is a shallow layer of gravel (SE 1184) discovered slightly southwest of the structure, probably representing a small and spacially limited ground consolidation in the outside activity area of the hut. Probably part of the same occupation layer is a surface that was uncovered directly to the east that was covered by several horizontally placed pottery fragments, most notably the securely intentionally placed rims/lips of two ollae with geometric decoration dating to phase Protodaunian Geometric. Some findings in this area provided further hints to the existence of earlier structures: the section through posthole 1221/1222 (belonging to hut 1) uncovered parts of an older occupation layer (SE 1227) characterized by a horizontal spread of charcoal fragments in which a pit (SE 1228) filled with stones and wattle was dug. These contexts were covered by a levelling layer of min. 0.25m thickness. At this stage of investigations, as a working hypothesis the following points can be noted that there are at least 2 pre-Archaic hut phases, one represented by hut 1b that is situated partly under hut 1 and partly further north, predated by the occupation layer 1227. Some 5-10m southeast of the area of hut 1, the investigations of 2016 concentrated on the excavation of further posthole structures already superficially documented in the 2013/2014 campaigns. For the time being, these represent a puzzling picture of multiple postholes that at this stage can be put together to complete hut layouts only in a fragmentary and hypothetical way, further impeded by the lack of clearly affiliated occupation layers that most likely were eroded or removed by later agricultural activities. Their decipherment will be a major task of future investigations planned by the team. The postholes were fully documented and included datable material was recovered. Interestingly, ceramic material (fragments of banded ware pottery) from a number of postholes in this area indicates that wattle-and-daub construction at the site continued well up into the 4th century BC. North to the posthole area and east of hut 1 a large modern disturbance was identified. Its removal to uncover undisturbed contexts revealed that it was a deep shaft dug by tomb robbers in order to plunder 2 Archaic tombs (tomb 1/16 and 2/16) that were situated in this area in a slightly overlapping way. The analysis of the still recoverable and undisturbed remains allows for some conclusions regarding the original contexts and their dating: Both were pit graves with stone-covered floors and stone alignments along the walls of the chamber carrying large stone slabs as a cover (the remains of these structures were found either still in situ or in the refilled shaft). The younger tomb 1/16 was probably oriented NE-SW and completely robbed. On the floor level of the lower and older tomb 2/16 some relocated skeletal remains of a juvenile or adult individual were recovered, while like in tomb 1/16 nothing was left of the grave goods. The Archaic date of the tombs is nevertheless certain since the stone alignment of tomb 1/16 is located under the Archaic posthole 1164 and the postholes 1202 and 1204 are stratigraphically clearly situated above the occupation layer (containing Protodaunian-Geometric pottery) from which the tombs were dug into the ground. Thus, also this area shows clear signs of a multi-phase history already in the Archaic age.
    • The 2017 campaign continued the investigations especially on the Archaic layers of the site. Fieldwork was carried out in the area of previous explorations as well as in two extensions located in the southwestern and northeastern corner of the excavation area. The investigations carried out in the already opened area concentrated mainly on the sector of hut 1A/B (see report of the previous campaign). The younger building (hut 1A) had already been discovered in 2013 and was completely excavated last year. It consisted of a larger number of post holes, forming a U-shaped layout open to the west. Several children's tombs (both of fossa and enchytrismos type) could be assigned to the building. Two of them, tombs 1/13 and 2/13, were integrated in its southern axis. Due to their special spatial arrangement, they might be referred to as "foundation tombs", dating the construction of the building (the original occupation layer was cut away in the course of agricultural activities) to the second half of the 7th century BC (Subgeometric Daunian I), well corresponding to the dating of the ceramic finds from both the fillings of the post holes and from the levelling layer SE 958 recovered in 2016. After the removal of SE 958, the clay package SE 1183 to be addressed as a remnant of a hut wall and a corresponding horizon (SE 1190) came to light below the northern part of hut 1A in the previous year. This older occupation layer included a post hole (SE 1189), which, together with the above-mentioned findings, suggested the existence of an earlier building (hut 1B). On the layer SE 1190, besides the daub fragments of hut SE 1183, pieces of charcoal and some pottery fragments of the 8th/7th century B. C. (Geometric Protodaunian and Subgeometric Daunian I) were found. As the layer ran out southwards, it was assumed that the majority of the older hut layout was located north of the SE 1183 clay package, i. e. underneath the northern exterior of hut 1A. Based on these observations, excavation work was continued in this area in 2017. It turned out that the SE 1190 occupation layer either slowly ran out to the north or had been washed away. The underlying layer SE 1226 suggested that the surface in the north originally terminated at a lower edge of the terrain. In the search for further architectural structures, the SE 1226 layer was removed down to the virgin soil SE 3/99. At the base of the aforementioned terrain edge a post hole (SE 1271) was uncovered, directly adjacent to a fossa grave (tomb 1/17) to the east. The latter possessed a rectangular covering of grooved tiles (SE 1269) in northeast-southwest orientation. It can be preliminary dated to the 4th century BC. Immediately to the east, remains of a much older occupation layer (SE 1270) were uncovered, consisting of a thin pebble stratum. Among other things, two olla fragments with monochrome decoration were found on its surface: a border fragment belonging to an olla with a wide mouth, a slightly bent outer rim and horizontal handles. On the shoulder this vessel was decorated with a simple tent decoration. The wall fragment showed the part of a frieze with a concentric circle. Shape and decoration of these fragments have already been documented for the 8th century BC (Geometric Protodaunian). A bowl fragment with tapering rim and raised round handle from levelling layer SE 1226, of whose monochrome painting only one band was recognizable just below the outer edge, pointed to the same phase. The investigations in the nearby sector G related to the area south of Hut 1A. The aim was to pursue the SE 1227 occupation layer (discovered partially in the section of post hole SE 1221/1222 in the previous year) over a wide area. For this purpose an approximately east-west oriented and 7.00 x 5.00 m sized trial trench (section 1/17) was created. The above-mentioned horizon rose slightly to the north and east and was mainly identifiable by loosely distributed pottery sherds (especially five olla fragments and a jug and a bowl fragment). All olla fragments featured a monochrome painting, which, together with the mostly flat rims, suggested dating back to the 8th century BC (Geometric Protodaunian). The fragment of the jug belonged to a handmade, pear-shaped vessel with a horizontally bent rim and raised strap handle, also typologically belonging to the earliest Daunian phase. The fragment of a handmade bowl without stepped edge also pointed to the early phase, due to its shape and decoration with hanging zig-zag lines. The architectural structures in the area of section 1/17 included two smaller post holes (SE 1274 and 1275). They were located in the eastern part of the section and had been dug into the layer SE 1226. Due to the stratigraphic relations they probably belonged to the occupation phase of hut 1A. For the time being, the layout of the preceding hut 1B remains unclear. As there were no matching post holes underneath the northern exterior of the later building, as originally assumed, it may have been located directly underneath it and can be connected to some smaller foundations in this area (SE 1061, 1062, 1064 and others). Due to the context situation in the southern part of sector G (the upper part of the archaeological layers has fallen victim to the plough) the detailed interpretation of huts 1A and 1B will probably remain difficult. To the south of hut 1A/B, the fossa tomb 1/14 was excavated. The almost north-south oriented grave was covered by two grooved tiles. In the pit measuring 0.75 x 0.45 m the mortal remains of a child were found. Only parts of the skull and a fragment of a leg bone were preserved. The age could be determined anthropologically to 1.5-3 years (infans I). The ceramic grave goods consisted of ten vessels. The assemblage encompassed a bell crater, a jug, an impasto jug, two jugs (one placed in the bell crater), two bowls, a ring stand of a vessel reused as a bowl, and a pyxis. For the most part these were wheel-thrown vessels decorated with horizontal bands. The non-ceramic grave goods consisted of seven finds, most of which were located in the upper chest area. Four of these were beads made of glass, bone and amber. The rest was represented by an iron brooch and two bone objects. This group of finds also includes an amber pendant that was recovered in the area of the tile cover as early as 2014. Based on the construction method and the grave goods, the tomb can securely be dated to the 2nd half of the 4th century (Subgeometric Daunian III). The use of a bell crater as an olla and the addition of a pyxis are a special feature for the Giarnera Piccola. Also worth mentioning is the use of amber objects, which was rather unusual for the late Daunian period. As early as 2013, a larger number of older post holes (SE 1028a-b, 1037a-b, 1038a-b, 1041a-b and 1052-1053a-b) were uncovered under the eastern exterior of building 12. In the previous year, three additional posts were found directly below the structure (SE 1211a-b, 1212a-b and 1225a-b). These findings were originally thought to have belonged to a smaller oval hut, the western part of which had been severely affected by the later building activities. In this year's campaign, investigations focused on the northern and eastern exterior of the small hut. In the northern area, two post holes (SE 1277 and 1278a-b) came to light, located at the edge of a formerly northeast-southwest oriented terrain edge. Their affiliation to the hut still has to be clarified, since these foundations could possibly also belong to an older Archaic phase in the southwestern area of sector H. At the corresponding surface level (SE 1095) there were two olla fragments (one rim and one wall) and one bowl fragment (rim). In all cases, these were handmade vessels with monochrome geometric decoration belonging at the latest to the phase Subgeometric Daunian I. New findings also came to light east of the hut, comprising a fireplace (SE 1284) and another post hole (SE 1283). The fireplace was of oval shape, measured about 1.10 x 0.95 m in size and consisted of pebbles placed within orange-red clay. Their surface was slightly lower than the upper edges of the post holes, so it is likely that these finding predate the hut. Since the post hole SE 1283 was covered by a foundation that is probably of Archaic date (SE 1040), it should also belong to an older horizon. The position of the post hole a little to the east of the postulated building could be taken as an indication of another hut. In addition to the work within the area already subject to earlier investigations, the excavation plot was slightly expanded to the southwest and northeast and dug out to the depth of a first archaeological level. In the southwestern extension, measuring approximately 45 sqm, the foundation wall SE 1179, already discovered in 2014, could be uncovered up to its southern end. The wall had a total length of 6.70 m and a maximum width of 0.75 m. The newly excavated and better preserved section (SE 1234) was slightly displaced to the east. Like the rest, it consisted of larger pebbles and rubbles, bound together with brown clayey earth. The interpretation of the findings is still pending due to the fact that the area was only partially examined. It has to be assumed, however, that this was originally the eastern end of an almost north-south oriented building (building 19). The dating of the building into the 4th century BC is ensured by several brick fragments integrated into the foundation. The northeastern extension, measuring approx. 130 m², revealed a large number of archaeological remains that in 2017 could only be examined up to the first documentation interface. Therefore only a preliminary assessment of the contexts is possible. The findings were spread over two terraces. One part could be attributed to the Archaic phase (Subgeometric Daunian I and II), the other to the late classical-early Hellenistic phase (Subgeometric Daunian III). The horizon of the Archaic phase included twenty post holes (SE 1240, 1241, 1243, 1244, 1246-1255, 1262,1263, 1264 and 1266-1268), a possible post support (SE 1256) and an alleged wall foundation (SE 1242 and 1245). Five post holes (SE 1263,1264 and 1266-1268) were located in the southern area and probably belonged to two separate structures. The remaining foundations (SE 1240, 1241, 1243, 1244, 1244, 1246-1255 and 1262) were concentrated in the area of hut 2. To this building a large number of oval placed post holes (SE 527a-b, 530a-b, 534-541 and 559-564) could be assigned when it was uncovered in 2009. A larger storage pit (SE 528/529) was located within the northwest-southeast oriented structure that was flanked on the western side by a possibly contemporary fossa grave (tomb 2/09). The newly uncovered post holes SE 1246-1248 probably mark the southeastern edge of the building. Other foundations, such as SE 1252-1255, due to their position and arrangement could have instead belonged to an independent rectangular post structure. The establishment of a relative chronological sequence of the different constructions is not yet possible. A complete jug found at the intersection of the two floor plans, probably initially deposited in a small pit, together with the above-mentioned tomb 2/09 suggested only a rough time window: while the tomb belonged to the 8th/7th century (Geometric Protodaunian/Subgeometric Daunian I), the hand-made jug with its slightly raised handle and bichrome banded decoration can be dated into the 6th/5th century BC (Subgeometric Daunian II). The wall foundation SE 1242/1245 was located in the southern interior of hut 2, oriented northeast-southwest, originally at least 2.55 m long and up to 0.45 m wide. In the center, the context showed a larger gap, presumably due to a not clearly defineable disturbance. It is still questionable whether the wall belongs to the adjacent contexts. The late Classical-early Hellenistic construction phase of this area is represented by the remains of a building (Building 20), a pebble layer (SE 1261) and four pit-like features (SE 1257, 1259, 1260 and 1265). Building 20 was found in the eastern corner of the extension. So far, only a northwest-southeast oriented foundation wall (SE 1237) and an overlying brick layer (SE 1236) have been excavated, the latter probably the rest of the roof cover. The wall SE 1237 consisted of small to medium-sized cobbles and quarry stones and was embedded in a 0.20 m thick levelling layer (SE 1238). The latter covered a slightly older horizon recognizable as gravel layer of at least 8 m² (SE 1261). The context might be addressed as an aggregate or drainage layer and was associated with a larger amount of pottery (coarse ware) and tile fragments (flat and curved). An antefix in the shape of a Gorgo, dating to the 4th century BC, was found at its eastern margin and deserves special mentioning. Pits SE 1257, 1259 and 1260 came to light south of hut 2, while a fourth (SE 1265) was found in the southern part of the excavation extension. For the time being, their function remains unclear. The fillings consisted of brown clayey earth and predominantly round stones. The material also included pottery (mainly plain ware) and tile fragments. Pit SE 1257 had an almost rectangular shape, was oriented northwest-southeast and had a maximum size of 2.10 x 1.65 m. Its surface was characterized by a particularly large number of stones. On the northern, southern and western sides it was bordered by an almost horizontal walking surface (SE 1258) consisting of a thin layer of gravel. Pit SE 1265 was of elongated and irregular shape, oriented northeast-southwest and at least 2.20 x 1.15 m in size (the eastern end is located outside the excavated area). Underneath the uppermost layer of the backfill, consisting of brown and clayey soil, more stones emerged, most of which were concentrated along the southern edge and placed remarkably regularly. Additionally to the fieldwork as well as the cleaning and restoration of the finds, anthropological analyses were carried out on the skeletal material and samples of selected pottery were taken to be subjected to provenience analyses (Neutron Activation Analysis). Targeted field research increasingly brings to light the earliest Daunian phase in the Giarnera Piccola, dating as far as the 8th century BC. For the time being, these earliest structures (both huts and tombs) are however difficult to evaluate since the associated horizons were mostly removed by construction measures of the 5th/4th century BC and modern agricultural activities. Occupation levels are usually unpaved (rarely thin pebble layers) and very likely spatially restricted, often only indirectly recognizable by the upper edges of the contexts (post holes) or scattered surface finds. The findings of the Giarnera Piccola belong to the earliest evidence of Daunian settlement activity alongside the sites of Salapia, Monte Saraceno, Arpi and Ordona - to name the most important ones. The research project carried out by the University of Innsbruck offers an excellent opportunity to continue the investigations of this early centre and to shed more light on this initial phase of the (so-called) Daunian culture.
    • The 2018 excavation campaign of the University of Innsbruck at Ascoli Satriano, loc. Giarnera Piccola, took place between August 22 and September 12, 2018. The team was composed of archaeologists and students of the department of Archaeology (Classical and Provincial Roman Archaeology Section) of the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. An anthropologist was present to study the human skeletal remains. All works were carried out under the direction of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Barletta - Andria - Trani e Foggia. Most of this year's investigations focused on sectors that had already been studied in 2017: work continued in the north-eastern part of sector F, in the southern part of sector G and in the south-western part of sector H. Research concentrated on the Archaic period, and at the same time the study on the relation between burials and buildings in the Daunian period continued. In addition, a geomagnetic survey was carried out. Sector F In 2017, sector F had already been extended by approximately 130 m² to the north-east. The new part is characterized by a large number of (structural) elements, spread over two terraced areas. Some of the structures can be assigned to the Archaic period, while other structural discoveries allow a dating in the late Classical - Hellenistic phase. In the terraced area to the north, four phases of construction (phase A-D) can be identified at the current state of investigations. The most recent phase (phase A) was documented by a dwelling unit (building 20), partially excavated in the eastern corner of the extension of sector F, can be dated to the last third of the 4th century BC. The dating of the building is based on the use of clay bricks as a construction material and on pottery fragments. The foundations of this structure cut through the levelling layer SE 1238 that covers a slightly earlier construction (phase B). The most conspicuous context of this phase is the layer of pebbles (SE 1261) located at the northern edge of the enlargement, undoubtedly continuing outside the excavation area. Immediately below the phase B layer, a series of small pits have been identified that can be interpreted as postholes of Archaic date (phase C), most of which, namely SE 1241, 1243 - 1247, 1249 - 1255 and 1262, belong to a rectangular shed structure (structure A). The intermediate layer of levelling was only a few centimeters strong. The position of structure A above the southern part of hut 2 suggests a more recent date. To date, the width of the chronological gap between these two buildings remains unclear. The postholes of structure A were dug into layer SE 1239, located above the oldest stratum of the eastern part of the terraced area (phase D). This use layer was identified already 2017 in the passage of the two terraced areas. In the 2018 campaign, works concentrated on the northern strip of the terraced area. In the southern part only a small part NW of the small pits SE 1267 and SE 1268 was studied. In this section it was possible to identify a layer of cobblestones (SE 1286), with a rather wide chronological range within the 4th century BC according to the material recovered (fragments of pottery and bricks). The most important finds in the northern part of the terraced area will be presented below, separated in phases (partly these are discoveries of this year together with some situations already identified in 2017 and completed in 2018). Phase A The remains of building 20 were not further investigated in 2018. Due to the very limited excavation area, the continuous excavation work will only make sense after a further extension of the excavation area. However, it was possible to assign the pits SE 1259, 1260 and 1285 (discovered in 2017) to this layer. With a maximum size of 1.95 x 1.25 x 0.15 m they showed a filling consisting of stones, fragments and splinters of bricks and mixed soil. Even after the completion of the works, it was not possible to define their function more precisely. Phase B Cobblestone layer SE 1261 was only a few centimeters strong and therefore could be interpreted as the basis of the walking surface. Similar findings from the Archaic, Classical and early Hellenistic periods have already been documented in other parts in the Giarnera Piccola. To the same phase can also be assigned structure SE 1257. It is a shallow pit (0.15m) of which the bottom is covered with a layer of stones and brick fragments that could also be interpreted as the remains of a foundation that unfortunately cannot be specified with greater precision. According to the evaluation of the various findings, the floor layer SE 1258 adheres to the structure SE 1257 - recognizable in particular on the west side - and presumably is also related to SE 1261. The initial level of the phase B layers is also tangible thanks to a third part of the cobblestone (SE 1239b), documented north of SE 1256. In 2018, two additional pits were identified (SE 1301 e SE 1325), which were also cut in the upper edge of the levelling layer SE 1239. Pit SE 1301 is located north-east of the structure SE 1257, the pit SE 1325 south of SE 1261. Both pits are oval in shape, with dimensions from 0.6 x 0.5 to 1.0 x 0.7 m and a maximum depth of 0.15 m. Their filling material consisted of soil, stones and brick fragments. Phase C A main objective of this year's excavation campaign was the excavation and documentation of the cavities interpreted as postholes SE 1240-1252, 1254-1256, 1260, 1262 and 1263, most of which belong to structure A. Additionally, ten more postholes were identified. Six of these (SE 1304, 1305, 1306 and 1307) were found below, to the east and north (SE 1289 and 1321) of SE 1261 (SE 1322). Two others (SE 1299 and SE 1300) have been found under a pile of stones (SE 1242), further two under pits SE 1259 (SE 1308) and SE 1260 (SE 1309) in the passage to the terraced area of the southern settlement. The holes SE 1299 and SE 1300 were located in the overlapping area of hut 2 and structure A. Their assignment to one or the other structure is still to be ascertained. Below structure SE 1257 a cobblestone layer has been found, eventually to be interpreted as a phase C walking surface possibly belonging to structure A. In this case, the two smaller foundations might be regarded as the remains of a sort of fence. Phase D In 2018, the presence of a fourth floor layer (SE 1298) was confirmed. This layer had been found in some sections of the phase B postholes. It was particularly well distinguishable in the section of SE 1252 and characterized by the presence of stones and pottery fragments on the surface. In the sections of the phase C postholes, an elevation of the ground to the north (towards hut 2) could also be detected for this phase, documented both by the thinning of the levelling layer SE 1239, and by a slight elevation of the virgin ground SE 3/99. The main objectives of future campaigns will be a reconstruction of the layout of structure A (phase C) and its overlap with hut 2. Further investigations will also be necessary for the chronological delimitation of the two buildings, since both the date of hut 2 and that of structure A have so far remained vague. Another important objective for the 2019 campaign will be the excavation and documentation of the oldest activity layer (SE 1298) of this area (phase D), which has yet been discovered only in the sections of the postholes. Important information for the chronological classification of structure A had already been identified in the leveling layer below (SE 1239). During the excavation, fragments of black-glazed pottery emerged, while the most recent material, such as tiles, is completely absent. This makes a 5th century BC date plausible both for structure A and for the ‘shed’. In the western part of sector F, pit SE 1287/1288 was excavated. The oval-shaped context with a maximum diameter of 1.45 m was located west of the slope wall SE 835 of Building 11/Phase 1. The filling material consisted of stones, mixed soil and a large number of brick- and pottery-fragments. In addition, animal bones and remains of charcoal were recovered. In view of similar findings in the locality of Giarnera Piccola, pit SE 1287/1288 could have a ritual function. Inside it, an elongated stone formation was found (SE 1292), which continued also to the west and can probably be interpreted as the remains of the foundations of a wall. This finding, 1.05 m long and 0.25 m wide, belongs stratigraphically to the wall SE 781, i.e. to the previous phase of building 11/Phase 1, and was arranged perpendicularly to it. Sector G Early phase hut 1 Already in 2017 it was possible to document an earlier phase under hut 1. The oldest stratum was identified under the northern part of hut 1 and consisted of the approximately flat occupation layer SE 1190, the burnt patch SE 1183 and small postholes SE 1130 and 1189. These findings suggested an older shed-like structure under Hut 1. This hypothesis could not be verified as the oldest floor stopped to the north and south and the southern part of SE 1130 was situated in the virgin ground. Therefore, in 2017 trial trench (1/17) was carried out in the southern area, to identify the presence of an alleged older phase. In this trench, at a slightly lower level, a presumably older layer was identified, SE 1190b, which was identified thanks to the discovery of pottery fragments widely distributed on this level. The same layer is associated with posthole SE 1326, identified in 2018, and a possible hearth (SE 1279). During the 2018 excavation campaign, this trench was extended under hut 1 to the north and west to clarify the stratigraphic affiliation of the previous contexts SE 1326 and SE 1279. In the western extension, two more postholes have been found (SE 1319, SE 1320) and to this older phase presumably previously excavated postholes such as SE 1061, 1062 and 1074 can be ascribed. Thanks to this information gathered in the last two excavation campaigns, it has been possible to hypothesize one or even two phases prior to Hut 1. However, it has not yet been possible to completely define the arrangement of the structures and clearly assign their elements. For a definitive reconstruction, further investigations will therefore be necessary. Based on the subgeometric pottery fragments found in the last two excavation campaigns, the layer(s) underneath hut 1 can be dated within the 8th/7th century BC. Pit SE 1019/1020 This large oval-shaped (about 6.0 x 5.0 m) pit was discovered as early as 2013, but was not yet completely excavated. In 2018, a section was made and half (west side) of the unit was excavated. The limits have a convex profile with a flat bottom. The pit reached a maximum depth of 0.75 m. At least three different layers of filling were identified. The central package showed a gravelly consistency, while the other two were of a humic character. All three layers contained a rather large number of ceramic material, mixed with fragments of burnt clay/daub and animal bones. The lower and upper layers also contained a considerable amount of charcoal. The uppermost filling layer could be interpreted as a pit dug independently of the other two as a waste deposit during the construction of a nearby shed structure. In the southern part of the SE 1019/1020 bottom, a further and deeper shaft-like pit was documented. It is not yet clear whether it was part of the initial pit or a subsequent intervention, since especially in this part of the section the stratigraphic order of the filling packages is blurred. It will be a future task to clarify this situation by fully excavating the structure. The earliest dating of the pit SE 1019/1020 according to the subgeometric pottery fragments dates back to the 8th/7th century BC while its function is still unclear. Pit SE 968 This pit was identified several years ago together with pit SE 1019/1020, but until this year it was not possible to carry out in-depth investigations. It was cut in the area south of SE 1019/1020 but the discovery of ceramic material from the 4th century BC provides a much more recent date than the pit SE 1019/1020. On the surface, the pit was circular in shape with a diameter of about 1.70 m, the edge was reinforced by a circle of stones and pebbles. The filling material consisted of brown clay soil. On the northern, western and eastern outer sides, the pit was lined by gravelly soil (SE 1324), which presumably can be interpreted as filling material of an additional (building?) pit that was distinguished in the pit section SE 1019/1020 with almost vertical walls and a depth of at least 1,00 m. Since the bottom of the pit has not been reached and the stratigraphic relationship with the most recent pit SE 968 has remained unclear, further investigation will be necessary. Tomb 1/17 (SE 1269 and 1294-1297) Tomb 1/17 is located north of Hut 1. Its dimensions are approximately 1.05 x 0.5 m and it had a cover consisting of three tiles arranged in a rectangular manner, one of which was used entirely, a second one only half while the third tile has been preserved to about a quarter. The badly preserved remains of a prematurely born child (SE 1296) whose sex could not be ascertained were placed in the rectangular pit. The head was positioned to the south-west. The funerary equipment (SE 1295) consisted of six ceramic vases and a bone object deposited in the central area of the pit. The ceramic material consisted of two vases with banded decoration: a pitcher (no. 31, 37/18) and a single-handled cup (no. 38/18), a small bell crater in "mixed style" (no. 40/18), a black-glazed miniature Oinochoe with red overpainted decoration (no. 41/18), an undecorated cup (no. 42/18) and an impasto jug (no. 38/18). The assemblage dates to the second half of the 4th century BC. Area east of tomb 1/17 Immediately to the east of the tomb 1/17 already in 2017 the floor layer SE 1270 was discovered that belonged to the oldest level of the hut 1. Its dating has been confirmed by two rim fragments of a subgeometric Daunian olla from the 8th/7th century BC found on the surface. This floor can be associated with two postholes, SE 946 and SE 948, located immediately to the east. To the south-east of these two holes, in the border area between sector F and sector G, another posthole (SE 1291) belonging to the same structure was discovered that for the time being has just been documented on the surface. The surface extends eastwards where it leads under the levelling package SE 961b and will be subject of further investigation in the next excavation campaigns. Sector H Area east of building 12 The already visible postholes SE 1037, 1041, 1049, 1052 and 1225 and the hearth-like structure SE 1284 were examined. During this work, three further units were discovered (SE 1303, 1332 and 1334) in the immediate vicinity. Posthole SE 1334 came to light by cutting through the pit SE 1303 and was covered by the material SE 961b. In the section of SE 1049 a layer of cobblestones (SE 1290) was documented that could be interpreted as a floor plan of an earlier stage. Both the SE 1334 posthole and the SE 1290 cobblestone layer can stratigraphically most likely be connected with the postholes SE 946, 948 and 1291 in Sector G and thus belong to the oldest Archaic layer under Hut 1. Tomb 9/13 This tomb was located below the wall SE 909 in the eastern part of the polygonal courtyard structure, where the wall was collapsed and considerably sunken into the ground. After removing the collapsed part, the filling of the shaft was removed and the tomb cover was documented (SE 1302). It covered an area of 2.05 x 1.30 m and consisted of several limestone and sandstone slabs of dimensions of max. 0.80 x 0.50 x 0.10 m. The marginal area had a border of pebbles, flakes and stones. The elongated rectangular pit measuring 1.6 x 0.75 m contained a single deposition (SE 1313). The deceased was placed along the western side, his face eastwards, in a crouched position with his contracted legs resting on the right side. According to the anthropological study, the remains can be assigned to a man between 35 and 45 years of age. The pottery was deposited along the eastern side of the pit and in the space at the foot of the deceased in the northern area of the pit. The grave goods consisted of 13 pottery vases and an amber pendant. Seven vases were of subgeometric Daunian ware: an olla (no. 117/18), a stamnos (no. 120/18), three jugs (nos. 124, 126 and 128/18), a high-stemmed cup (no. 121/18) and a bell crater (no. 125/18). Inside the olla a miniature black-glazed jug (no. 118/18) was found. In addition, a black-glazed kylix (no. 123/18), a black-glazed kantharos (no. 129/18), a brownish-glazed cup (no. 119/18), an undecorated krateriskos (no. 122/18) and an impasto-jug (no. 127/18) were recovered. The assemblage allows a dating in the second half of the 4th century BC. In the central part of the pit, after the removal of the tomb floor and the grave goods, a previous burial (SE 1317) was detected, placed secondarily in a small cavity (0.70 x 0.40 m; SE 1314). The skull cap and the burial basin SE 1317 were located to the north, the lower jaw on the opposite side and the long bones in the middle. Among the bones were found fragments of different iron fibulae, a bead of glass paste and a bone ring (SE 1316, nos. 146-149/18). The major part of tomb 9/13 is located under the entrance area of the polygonal courtyard, only the northern part of the burial extended under the wall SE 909. Similar situations of overlapping structures and burials have already been observed in other cases such as tomb 4/07 (building 2), tomb 10/13 (polygonal courtyard) and tomb 3/12 (building 9). Geomagnetic survey In addition to the excavation, a geomagnetic survey was carried out. First of all, the study focused on the western and eastern areas of the already open area (sectors F and G). In addition, the area to the south and east of the current excavation area were also examined, remaining within the property acquired by the municipality of Ascoli Satriano for archaeological investigation. The image of the magnetometer presented large elongated anomalies that extend diagonally from north-east to south-west, which are most likely of geological origin (furrows of erosion). In addition, dipolar disturbances could be detected in some places, probably caused by rather large metal objects inside the ground. There are also circular-shaped anomalies of various sizes, probably partly interpretable (especially the smallest) as postholes. However, it was not possible to reconstruct coherent structures. Some of the larger circular anomalies could be interpreted as tombs. To the east of the current excavation area it was possible to identify a point with anomalies arranged at right angles that could indicate the remains of a rectangular building facing north-west/south-east.


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