  • Sottostazione di Vermezzo – Linea ferroviaria Milano-Mortara
  • Albairate


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    • 300 BC - 280 BC


      • A warrior’s tomb dating to the beginning of the 3rd century B.C. unexpectedly came to light, at a depth of 1.60 m, during a watching brief on the work for the doubling of the rail tracks on the Milan-Mortasa line. The exceptional tomb group comprised a sword with iron scabbard, that had been ritually twisted, and bore the mineralised remains of cloth; a shield boss of the bivalve type; four iron fibulae and one in bronze of the Müsingen type; a glass and amber necklace and a ceramic cup. Furthermore, in a second trench more pottery material was recovered, that was coeval with the tomb, representing a rare example of Insubrian pottery of that period. These finds partly fill the large gap existing in the archaeological documentation of the Insubrian territory for the periods following the 4th century B.C. Gallic invasion.


      • Laura Simone Zopfi. 2008. ALBAIRATE (MI): tomba di guerriero degli inizi del III secolo a.C.. FOLD&R Italy: 106.


      • L. Simone Zopfi 2008, Una tomba di guerriero degli inizi del III sec. a.C. ad Albairate (MI), in NOTIZIARIO 2006. Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 209-217.