The _vicus_ del Fauno was never paved and thus offers interesting opportunities for the investigation of the occupation phases which preceded the eruption. Trench 2 was excavated in front of the façade of _domus_ VI, 11, 4.17, built in travertine _opus quadratum_, and looked at the sidewalk and the roadway in front of the building.
The earliest road surface was made of the same type of earth as the natural, but in comparison was much harder and very compact. The surface pre-dates the construction of the _domus_ and must have been used for a very long period, as it was in a state of deterioration and covered by an occupation layer containing mainly black glaze ware. A very carefully made repair was found in the S-W part of the trench. This surface was cut in order to house a block of pappamonte stone, visible beneath the eastern perimeter wall of _domus_ VI, 9,2.13. Further excavation will determine whether this block belongs to a structure that is still partially _in situ_, or is the structure’s only surviving element.
The road was re-laid numerous times. A beaten surface of Hellenistic date is of interest both for its morphology and date. It survived in very good condition and was constituted by a sort of plaster made up of travertine dust and earth. This was embedded over a make up of crushed travertine that was building waste from the construction of the façade of _domus_ VI, 11, 4.17. The materials recovered from the road dated to the 4th-3rd century B.C.
Furthermore, four construction phases were identified for the kerb bordering the sidewalk around _domus_ VI, 11, 4.17. At a later date this _domus_ came to cover a part of the road, narrowing its width. Each kerb phase was in use with a sidewalk surface, the earliest of which, dating to the late 2nd century B.C., was in _opus signinum_.
The study of the materials, which is still in progress, will provide more detailed chronologies for the various layers revealed by the excavation.