The latest excavation campaign investigated two rooms, 15 and 16, situated in the NE part of _domus_ 17-20. The aim was to check the existence of polygonal wall built of tufa that had been tracked two years earlier and functioned as a dividing wall between one room in this building and another in the adjacent structure (VI 2, 18-19).
Room 15 revealed a floor, but no dating elements, however it can be hypothesised that it dates to the 3rd century B.C. A plastered wall rested on top of this floor, which together with the polygonal wall delimited a small space and a room on the other side. Subsequently, in the latter the floor level was raised and the beaten earth replaced with an _opus signinum_ floor. Sometime later the plastered wall was razed to the ground and a latrine was built, probably around the second half of the 2nd century B.C. (reuse of MaƱa C type amphora).
In room 16, next to the preceding one, a razed wall was found aligned with the polygonal wall. Originally (second half of the 2nd century B.C.), to the north it delimited a small room belonging to domus VI 2, 18-19 which was later annexed to the adjacent property. In room 16 evidence was found of occupation levels with crushed lava floors probably relating to some craft-working activity. Subsequently, in the Imperial period, the room had an _opus signinum_ floor with decorative motifs in limestone and lava _tesserae_. Later, perhaps still in the post-earthquake period, the room was used for an activity involving the use of liquids, as attested by the presence of a small tank in one corner.
The latest evidence of activity on the site was provided by a large midden in the centre of the room.