  • Situl arheologic de epocă romană de la Mihai Bravu - „Taşlâc”
  • Mihai Bravu
  • Romania
  • Tulcea County
  • Comuna Mihai Bravu


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    • The archaeological campaign conducted at Mihai Bravu in year 2000, was a rescue project developed in three locations: 1. "La Moară". Two main trenches were excavated (100 x 2 m¸ 30 x 2 m). The archaeological material which resulted from the only cultural level found here is, chronologically, mixed; the sherds date to the Aeneolithic - the Gumelniţa culture, the Roman - Byzantine period (the 4th - 6th centuries AD) and to the Early Middle Ages (9th - 10th centuries AD). 2. "Movile". A single grave was excavated; inside we discovered three graves dated to the Early Bronze Age. Above these we found Early Roman sherds. 3. "Taşlâk". The pottery uncovered in the main trench (150 x 2.5 m) dates to the Hallstatt and to the Roman periods; the pottery did not occur in a clear stratigraphical context. In the eastern part of the trench we discovered two modern inhumation graves. In the gas installation trench (situated about 15 m N from the archaeological one) a waste pit with a very rich Hallstattian material was found.


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