  • Aşezarea romană de la Adamclisi [Tropaeum Traiani], Aşezarea preistorică de la Desa - "La ruptură"
  • Desa
  • Romania
  • Dolj
  • Comuna Desa


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    • Considering the results of the 2003 - 2004 research in tomb T3 on Castraviţa sand bank, Desa town, Dolj county, we conclude that the findings presented in the 2003 excavation report are still valid, namely that this graveyard is from the same period as those discovered at Basarabi and Balta Verde, even though there are some differences regarding the motifs on the pottery. Yet, the earthen pot shape and the manufacturing technique of the decoration are identical with the ones at Basarabi and Balta Verde. Also, the metal artifacts resemble mostly what was found in the two cemeteries mentioned above. Therefore, the tomb T3 from Desa, dates approximately to the 8th century B.C. Considering the fact that the skeleton from M5 is not complete but broken, and the few human bones found in M1, M2 and M4 are also broken, we have all reasons to believe that an intentional break-up of the skeletons took place in a later period. In conclusion, we can assume that there were two phases in the development of the graveyard, one of emergence and another one of intervention in its structure. We cannot say when the grave goods were put in.


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