  • Via C. Baronio, 133
  • Roma


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 300 AD - 400 AD


      • A tomb covered with amphora fragments came to light at 15m from the crossroads with the via Latina. It was cut into the cappellaccio bedrock at a depth of 1m below present ground level. The short sides of the cut were rounded and it was orientated on a NW-SE axis. The tomb was covered by a dump of earth containing human bones belonging to an unknown number of individuals. The cut was 0.30-0.35m deep and 1.40m long. The bones, partially in situ, were not those of an adult individual. There was no trace of a tomb group. (Francesca Montella)


      • R. Rea (a cura di), 2004, L’ipogeo di Trebio Giusto sulla via Latina. Scavi e restauri, Città del Vaticano: 46.