  • Situl arheologic de la Săcele- Dealul Bunloc
  • Săcele


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      • In the autumn of 2006, a series of archaeological surveys followed by trial excavations were performed in the boundaries of the Săcele and Braşov municipalities (Braşov County) in order to estimate the archaeological potential of the area 1. On the right shore of Baciu valley, East of the locality and on top of a hill there are obvious signs of human interventions, in the form of a earth “wall”, of unknown age. 2. In the place called Durbav, South East of Săcele, a Wietenberg culture settlement was identified based on pottery finds on the surface. 3. In between Valea Baciului andi Valea Timişului rises the Bunloc hill, dominating the plains from the South East of Ţara Bârsei depression. It is visible as a slightly sloped plateau, of triangular shape, with increasingly steeper slopes towards the bottom side. In the forested area can be traced the route of a stone curtain wall, closing the upper half of the hill, from 884 m in altitude and reaching 1183 m at the top, being overall triangular in shape. The wall is about 3500 m in length and encloses about 80 Ha; it is made out of local limestone blocks and shows no obvious liaison. 4. Săcele-Valul Tătarilor. Between the hill from Valea Baciului and the height called Bâtca (Coasta Vătafului), the last one within Braşov boundaries, the remains of large earthworks can be seen closing the entire Timiş Valley towards the Bârsei depression. After the initial evaluation of the archaeological potential of the region it was decided that several trenches will be dug inside the stone walled closure at Săcele-Bunloc. Two trenches were dug out, S I in the SSW section, an area called by locals “Lazuri”, and S II, 200 m to the vest of S I. S I / 2006, measuring 20 x 2 m was oriented perpendicularly to the plateau edge and running down slope towards the curtain wall. Right under the vegetal layer numerous boulders were found, part of a WWII structure. Going deeper to -0.60 m a layer of dark coloured soil was located, with a prehistoric pottery fragment, most likely early Bronze Age. Due to unfavourable weather the excavation was stopped. S II / 2006, measuring 10 x 2 m, revealed under the vegetal soil and between meters 4 and 8.5 an irregular shaped pit filled with burnt clay pieces and carbonized wood but no other artefacts. By corroborating the varied information gathered in the field with the local taxonomy research and other documentary sources it can be stated that the entire stone wall fortified complex at Săcele - “Bunloc” as well as the earthworks at Săcele - “Valul Tătarilor” can be dated as early medieval, most likely following the Tatar invasion in 1241.


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