  • Pra’ di Got
  • S. Antonio


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    • 700 AD - 1400 AD


      • In 2004 the School of Medieval Archaeology at Ca’ Foscari University Venice, in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendency for Friuli Venezia Giulia, began the “Alta Valle del Tagliamento” project for the study of a number of fortified sites in Carnia. The investigation undertaken from 2005 onwards at Pra’ di Got, in the territory of Forni di Sotto, Udine, falls within this project. The site is indicated by two toponyms on the Regional Technical Map, Piazza Castello and Pra’ di Got, which consented the recognition of the exact point in which the structures were found. Little or nothing is known of the site’s history and the only certain attestation is in the bill of sale from 1326 when the castle was sold to the Savorgnano family. The summit area of the site is large, elongated in an east-west direction, with very steep cliffs along the south and north sides. On the western side is a depression, interpreted as a ditch, from which it was probably possible to enter the site. Two distinct structures were identified, one in the western part of the site and one to the east. The western structure, completely excavated, seemed to have two distinct occupation phases: the first, visible in the two rooms furthest east, was dated by C14 to the early medieval period (between the end of the 7th and beginning of the 8th century). The second occupation phase attested in the room to the west seemed to be of different date (13th-14th century), on the basis of the construction technique and the finds (iron buckle, pottery fragments). As regards the structures found on the eastern part of the hill, the excavation is still in its initial phase and therefore no date can be provided. However, the investigation on the site of Pra’ di Got is at a very early stage and thus it is not possible to give a precise definition of the significance and duration of its relationship with the settlement patterns in the valley.
      • In 2004 the school of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Venice, in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendency of Friuli Venezia Giulia, began the “Upper Tagliamento Vally” project for the study of a number of fortified sites in Carnia. As part of this project excavations began in 2005 on the site of Pra’ di Got, municipality of Forni di Sotto, Udine. The investigations undertaken in the previous campaigns revealed a number of rooms and a tower along the western side of the summit plateau on which the fortified site stands. During the course of the 2010 campaign the eastern area of the plateau was investigated, where test pits had been dug in 2005 and 2009. Following initial clearing, a substantial layer of collapse came to light, the removal of which revealed new walls relating to a second tower. The structure mirrored the tower found at the western end of the plateau in earlier campaigns. The building presented patches of stone paving and further layers of collapse in the interior, as well as a substantial layer of charcoal, probably the result of events which may have led to the abandonment of the site. Various elements suggest that the tower dates to the 13th-14th century.


      • S. Cadamuro, S. Gelichi, F. Piuzzi, 2009, Forni di Sotto (UD). Indagini nel castrum di Pra’ di Got. I campagna 2007, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia 2/2007: 176-178.
      • A. Cianciosi, S. Gelichi, F.Piuzzi, 2008, Alta Valle del Tagliamento, in Missioni archeologiche e progetti di ricerca e scavo dell'Università Ca' Foscari – Venezia, S. Gelichi (a cura di), VI Giornata di studio, Venezia 12 maggio 2008, Roma: 199-205.
      • S. Gelichi, F. Piuzzi, A. Cianciosi (a cura di), 2008, Sachuidic presso Forni Superiore. Ricerche archeologiche in un castello della Carnia, Firenze.
      • S. Gelichi, F. Piuzzi, S. Cadamuro, 2008, Forni di Sotto (UD), Sito fortificato di Pra’ di Got, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, c.s.
      • F. Piuzzi, A. Cianciosi, 2005, Forni di Sopra, Castello di Sacuidic. Campagna di scavi 2005, in Aquileia Nostra 76: 408-411.
      • S. Gelichi, F. Piuzzi, S. Cadamuro, 2008, Forni di Sotto (UD), Sito fortificato di Pra’ di Got, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, c.s.
      • T. Miotti, 1981, Forni di Sopra e di Sotto, in T. Miotti, Castelli del Friuli, I, Carnia, Feudo di Moggio e Capitanati settentrionali, Udine: 60-63.
      • S. Gelichi, F. Piuzzi, S. Cadamuro, 2009, Forni di Sotto (UD), Sito fortificato di Pra’ di Got, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, c.s.
      • T. Miotti, 1981, Forni di Sopra e di Sotto, in T. Miotti, Castelli del Friuli, I, Carnia, Feudo di Moggio e Capitanati settentrionali, Udine: 60-63.