  • Dermentepe Necropolis
  • Skalishte
  • Bulgaria
  • Kardzhali
  • Kardzhali
  • Skalishhe


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  • 1100 AD - 1400 AD


    • ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS NEAR THE VILLAGE OF SKALISHTE (Milen Kamarev – mkamarev@abv.bg) Two rows of Christian burials in pits cut into the bedrock were explored. Graves Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are placed each above other. The burial chamber of grave No. 1 is faced and covered with stone slabs. It contained bones of a second individual. Grave No. 2 is situated on the roofing slabs of grave No. 1. The chamber is constructed of stones and covered with stone slabs. A skull is related to grave No. 3. Grave No. 4 is situated on the roofing slabs of grave No. 2. It contained bones of an individual, sherds of the 12th – 14th centuries and burned bones. Graves Nos. 5 and 6 are inside a pit, faced and covered with stone slabs. The bones on the roof of grave No. 5 are designated as grave No. 6. A tetrateron minted by Emperor Manuel I Komnenos, charcoal and nails were found in the burial pit. Grave No. 7 is a pit faced and covered with stone slabs. There is a patch of wax on one of the covering slabs. The grave contained bones of a second individual. A fragment of glass bracelet was found. Bones designated as grave No. 8 were found on the covering slabs of grave No. 7 and on the bedrock. Graves Nos. 9, 10 and 11 are inside a pit covered with stone slabs. Grave No. 10 is situated on the roofing slabs of grave No. 9. There are bones of a second individual, designated as grave No. 11, inside grave No. 10. Grave No. 12 is covered with slabs. Grave No. 13 is situated on it. The burial is in a wooden coffin. There are bones of a second individual, designated as grave No. 14, inside grave No. 13. Grave No. 15 is in a pit faced with stone slabs. It contained bones of a second individual. Grave No. 16 is a pit. Grave No. 17 is a pit faced and covered with stone slabs. A gilded bronze earring was found in the grave. The necropolis dates to the 12th – 14th centuries.


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