  • Castello Rosso
  • Costigliole Saluzzo


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    • 1700 AD - 1900 AD


      • Castello Rosso is one of the two residences, with Castello Reynaudi, situated on the hilltop overlooking the Varaita valley. The ancient home of the Crotti counts of Saluzzo its present Neo-Gothic appearance is the result of the various modifications and transformations it underwent between the 18th and 19th century. In the 1990s an archaeological excavation on the site brought to light patches of proto-historic stratigraphy and the remains of a medieval timber house. A watching brief in a small area of the castle’s park during the construction of basement service structures did not identify any ancient stratigraphy. However, a structure built of bricks, some with fingerprints, was seen in a section. This was identified as a post-medieval cistern, its floor and walls faced with whitish waterproof mortar, constructed in a foundation cavity filled with reddish clay. North of the cistern the remains of a curving brick wall were intercepted.


      • E. Micheletto, 2009, Costigliole Saluzzo, Castello Rosso, in Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte, 24: 213.