  • Os Medos-Currás
  • S. Martiño de Currás


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    • 200 AD - 1000 AD


      • This site was found and excavated in 1972 by the Baixo Miño Archeological Team, directed by M. Fernández Rodríguez. Remains of a possible Roman villa with a hypocaust system and an adjacent room, defined as a warehouse, were found at that time. Some 120 m uphill, an allegedly Late Antique or Early Medieval cemetery was also identified. Some of its anthropomorphic tombs were built with stone masonry, others with _tegulae_ and bricks. After this first intervention the site was buried again. In 2013 there was a renewed interest in recovering the site. A first phase of exploration took place within the framework of a R&D Project, in the framework of an agreement between the University of Vigo and the Municipality of Tomiño. During these initial works, all the available information about the site was recovered (old plans and photographs, unpublished materials kept at the museum, oral information, microtoponymy, mapping and aerial photography). Sectors excavated in 1972 were also identified by means of geophysical surveys and test pits. Moreover, a large part of the hypocaust area, which corresponds to the conventional type, with brick floor and pillars ( _pilae_ stacks) was also re-excavated. In a sector with original stratigraphy, unaffected by the 1972 intervention, its corresponding _praefurnium_ was partially uncovered. Recovered materials are being studied at present, but everything seems to point to Early Empire foundation. This first phase would have been followed by a Late Roman main phase of occupation, from the 4th to the 6th century AD. A sondage performed in the area of the necropolis, revealed the location of four tombs that had been previously excavated. Three of them were anthropomorphic and built with stone masonry, and the fourth one was rectangular and built entirely of brick. In this area of the site it was impossible to recover original materials or stratigraphic contexts that allowed for a more precise chronological and cultural characterization. (translation by Laura González Fernández)


      • González Soutelo, S. (2013): Informe preliminar da Actuación arqueolóxica (prospección con sondaxes) no xacemento romano e tardorromano de Currás (Tomiño). Investigación, recuperación e posta en valor dun patrimonio arqueolóxico esquecido. 15-30 Xullo 2013. Inédito. Depositado en el Servizo de Arqueoloxía de la Xunta de Galicia.