  • Cosa, Terme
  • Ansedonia
  • Italy
  • Tuscany
  • Provincia di Grosseto
  • Orbetello


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 197 BC - 213 AD
  • 201 AD - 599 AD
  • 401 AD - 1499 AD


    • The excavation aimed to study the chronology, architectural layout, and water supply system of the baths complex close to the forum. In particular, the project analysed the simultaneous development of the bath structures both on the surface and below ground, a configuration that makes the complex rather unique. Primarily seen as a supplement to the fieldwork that led to the Cosa III volume, this new campaign examined a building and its socio-cultural context, discussing the general settlement narrative traced by previous studies.
    • The excavations aim to study the chronology, architectural configuration, and water supply of the baths complex close to the forum of Cosa. In particular, the project analyses the synchronic development of the baths at both ground level and underground, a configuration that renders this complex rather unique. Intended as a supplement to the fieldwork previously published in _Cosa III_, the new campaign investigates a building and the socio-cultural context to which it belongs, discussing the general settlement narrative traced by preceding scholars. Alongside the excavations, a geophysical survey is analysing the extension of the urban area and proposing a new reading of the city plan.


    • F. Brown, e. Richardson, L. Richardson, 1994. Cosa III. The Buildings of theForum: Colony, Municipium and Village. MAAR 37
    • F. Brown, 1980, Cosa, The Making of a Roman Town. Ann Arbor
    • V. J. Bruno, R. T. Scott, 1993, Cosa IV. The Houses. MAAR 38
    • F. Castagnoli, 1956, La Centuriazione di Cosa. MAAR 24: 147-165
    • J. A. Collins-Clinton, 1977, A Late Antique Shrine of Liber Pater at Cosa. Leiden.
    • L. S. Dyson, 1976, Cosa: The Utilitarian Pottery MAAR 33
    • E. Fentress, 2003, Cosa V. An Intermittent Town, Excavations 1991-1997. Ann Arbor.
    • E. Fentress, 2000, “Frank Brown, Cosa, and the Idea of a Roman City.”, In E. Fentress (ed.) Romanization and the City: Creations, Transformations, and Failures. Portsmouth: 9-24
    • T. Maravini-Moevs, 2006, Cosa: the Italian Sigillata. Ann Arbor.
    • T. Marabini Moevs, 1980, "Italo-Megarian Ware at Cosa," MAAR 34: 161-227.
    • M. T. Marabini Moevs, 1973, The Roman Thin Walled Pottery from Cosa (1948-1954), MAAR 32.
    • A. M. McCann et al., 1987, The Roman Port and the Fishery of Cosa. Princeton.
    • A. R. Scott, 2008, Cosa: the Black Glaze Pottery 2. Ann Arbor.
    • R. Taylor, 2002, “Temples and Terracottas at Cosa.” AJA, 106: 59-83.
    • M. Trümper, S. Lucore, 2012, Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches. Rome
    • F. Yegül, 1992, Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity. New York.