  • Ostia, Caseggiato delle Taberne Finestrate (Regio IV, Insula V, 18)
  • Ostia antica
  • Ostia antica
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 100 BC - 500 AD


    • The “Caseggiato delle Tabernae Finestrate” at Ostia is a Hadrianic commercial complex situated in the fourth region of the town, along the _decumanus_ _maximus_. One of its main peculiarities is the fact that it was built on top of an earlier _domus_, something almost completely unknown to date. Several _sondages_ dug in 1940 and 1970, revealed some of the rooms belonging to this building, unknown until then, belonging to the rear part of the house – perhaps identifiable as the _triclinium_, _tablinium_ and part of the peristyle. The floor and wall decorations show the wealth of this _domus_ and the high status of its owners. The study of archive materials and the excavation finds has shed new light on the building and added to knowledge of Republican and early Imperial Ostia.


    • Paolo Tomassini. 2016. “Scavare” negli Archivi La domus tardo-repubblicana e giulio-claudia sotto al Caseggiato delle Taberne Finestrate di Ostia (IV, V, 18): nuove e vecchie scoperte . FOLD&R Italy: 350.


    • P. Tomassini, c.s., Peinture pompéienne à Ostie : état de la recherche et nouvelles attestations, les fragments provenant des fouilles du Caseggiato delle Taberne Finestrate, Les Etudes Classiques, 2014, 87.
    • P. Tomassini, c.s., Frammenti d’intonaco provenienti dagli scavi del Caseggiato delle Taberne Finestrate ad Ostia, Atti del XII Convegno dell’Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Atene, 16-20 Settembre 2013.
    • P. Tomassini, c.s., Anciennes fouilles et nouvelles données concernant les phases tardo-républicaine et julio-claudienne de la parcelle du Caseggiato delle Taberne Finestrate (IV, V, 18), in C. Deruyt, T. Morard e F. Van Haeperen (ed.), Atti del convegno «Ostia antica : Nuovi studi e confronto delle ricerche nei quartieri occidentali», 2015.