Since 2013 fieldwork were undertaken in the vicinity of the chotts in southern west of Tunisia. New aterian site was discovered in Nafta. We highlight that during the last interglacial humid period (MIS 5) the chotts (El Dejerid, El Rharsa) outline a huge system of megalakes with rivers and fresh water. Several mammals’ taxa like rhinoceros, zebra, bovids (Oryx, hartebeest, gazelles, aurochs, and buffalo), carnivores and ostrich lived there. The faunal assemblage represents sub-saharan and savanna biotope with fresh water. The deposits from the new site are from a shoreline human occupation. Lithics are fresh so have not been moved far.
Centripetal Levallois cores produce Aterian points. Source material was predominantly flint pebble with minor silcrete. OSL dates show an interval going from 72000 to 98 000 years ago. Aterian population lived in the vicinity of the Megalake. The Chotts Megalake may have formed a corridor across the Sahara for the dispersal of Homo sapiens and other animals from Sub-Saharan Africa during the Upper Pleistocene.