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Archaeological Survey


    • 2005 - Survey the cultural resources (archaeological and human) of the village of Theth and to describe in detail the unique culture, history, and landscape. 2006 - 1) induct intensive archaeological survey in the lower half of the Shala Valley. 2) Answer outstanding questions regarding the architectural and cultural history of Theth. 3)Limited test excavations at the Grunas site found in 2005. 2007 - 1)Intense Archaeology survey of lower half of Shala Valley in particular villages surrounding Abat. 2) Ethnohistoric and ethnographical surveys in the lower half of the Shala Valley to compare to Theth in 2005/2006. 3)extensive survey of Shosh and Kir regions. 4)chemical and geological surveys of Grunas, Gimaj, Okoi, and Stane at Qafe Thores. 2008 - 1)A detailed digital map of sites using a Total Station. 2) Compile better chronology and construction phases through excavation of a unit along the west, lowest terrace wall. 3)Undertake targeted excavation in order to determine: whether stone structures were built in the Iron Age or later, whether the taresses were occupational or agricultural, Whether there might be preserved middin outside the western fortification wall, Through chemical characterization analysis of pottery whether ceramics were made on or off site and imported, patterns of substances and seasonality through analysis of fauna and botanical remains and trace restricted analysis of pottery

    Project Dates

    • 2005 -


    • No period data has been added yet
    • 700 AD
    • 1000 AD
    • 1600 AD

    Survey Method

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    Other Comments

    • Tradition topography prospection

    Research Institution

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    • Director