Summary (English)
The excavations and geophysical surveys on the House of Arianna and the surrounding area provided information regarding its history and at the same time led to a re-evaluation of the origins of Vicolo Storto, which were certainly linked to the creation of the Sullan colony in the 1st century B.C. when this part of Regio VII was restructured in order to fit into the urban layout of Regio VI and VIII.
The main phases identified for the House of Ariadne are:- The first phase (beginning of the 2nd century B.C.): in view of the foreseen constructions in the central and southern part of the house, aligned with via degli Augustali, the walls of the first house were razed and integrated into the later one.
- Construction of the second house (second half of the 2nd century B.C.): the preceding structures in the atrium were re-adapted whilst the central peristyle was a new construction. The northern zone, aligned with via della Fortuna, had a distinctive look although only its perimeter walls are known, and was perhaps a hortus with 1st style decorations and figured capitals near the entrance.
- Restructuring of the house (second half of the 1st century B.C.): the impluvium was obliterated and the atrium converted into an open space, perhaps used for some productive activity. At the same time the northern peristyle was raised and re-aligned, so as to conform with the rest of the house, with via degli Augustali though the main entrance was situated in this part of the house. The adjacent House of Fortune, to the west, was also involved in this operation. The Vicolo Storto must have been created in this phase.
- Restructuring (mid 1st century A.D.): the walls of the central peristyle and atrium were decorated in the 4th Style. There was some evidence in the northern peristyle of its conversion for productive purposes.
- A large amount of pottery was found which provides good dating for the construction phases. There was a high number of Rhodian amphorae, whose numerous stamps provided exact dating between the 2nd and 1st century B.C. (Albert Ribera)
- Manuelo Olcina - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante (MARQ)
- Rosa Albiach - Servicio de Investigación Prehistórica (SIP) de la Diputación de Valencia
- Albert Ribera - Servicio de Investigación Arqueológica Municipal de Valencia
- Luigi Pedroni - Institut für Klassische und Provinzialrömische Archäologie - Universität Innsbruck
Research Body
- Institut für Klassische und Provinzialrömische Archäologie - Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
- Servicio de Investigación Arqueológica Municipal de Valencia (Spagna)
Funding Body
- Ministerio de Cultura, empresa Estudio Metodos de Restauración (EMR)
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